Applications / controlling coatings and treatments on fastening systems

Fastening systems, such as bolts, screws, nuts, and washers, often undergo various coatings and treatments to enhance their performance, durability, and resistance to corrosion. Those range from aluminum or zinc-based sprayed coatings to dry film lubricants, various kinds of plating (e.g. cadmium, zinc, nickel or titanium) and anodizing or thermal treatments. The aerospace industry in particular demands stringent performance standards due to the demanding environments their products operate in – extreme temperatures, high speeds, and exposure to harsh chemicals. Controlling the thickness of those coatings and treatments in the most critical areas of the respective parts is essential to ensure their performance, reliability, and longevity. Traditional contact measuring technologies like Eddy currents or magnetic probes are characterized by low repeatability levels and a high degree of dependency on the curvature of the surface and the operator’s expertise. Moreover, radiative techniques such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) are limited in terms of the materials they can measure, their penetration depth, and part geometries.


Precitec Enovasense’s laser photothermal technology brings a unique new control possibility to the field of fastening system coatings and treatment applications. This non-contact, non-destructive, non intrusive, non-radiative and easy-to-integrate technology enables measurements that are fast and repeatable. Easy in-line and at-line measurement integration with a cost-effective positioning are other key benefits.


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FASTENING SYSTEMS Controlling coatings and treatments on fastening systems Available On quotation